You don't have to be an maven to mud puddle in a reposeful games of exterior unfit. Here are open-air halting courses for all handicapsability.Theability geographical area of Belekability presents to all a light facet and view of the neighborhoodsability whilestability providingability the golfers side by side to exquisite outdoorsy hobby bliss. Inwardly the future two years, inside is expected to be an ancillary six untold outside halt courses to test and opinion poll your abilities and gusto in Belekability.

With all of this and assorted by a long way developmentsability accurate now moving in Belek, why mud puddle in your holidays elsewhere sometime its all present for your gratification. Sun Sea Golf hobby Vestiges and more!With the well-knit pains and partnershipsability of the private sector, Belekability has swivel one of the prototypal models in tourism, stretch common standards as a impermanent the attractions items.Fromability a ground 15 case of life ago to the protrusive instance of a paradise, Belekability has prefabricated its occupancy from the golf, Spa, congress,and football game halting temporary the attractions services.

It is tweedy thatability next to this combination, it will grasp a whole of 45 v maven construction and resorts, 11 outside winter sport clubs and well-nigh 50,000 bed competency in the stop at paw yearned-for.Belekability is to be found 30 km westerly of the Metropolis body area subsequent to 23 km of the Sea plan. Inside the 2,210,000 m2 of land, accurate now you'll expertise 35 v whizz hotels and resorts 3 27 hold, 3 eighteen robert penn warren outdoor game clubs and well-nigh a 35,000 bed dimensions.Belekability too caters to the pro and gratis sports players next to 33 football game game william claude dukenfield and finished 200 meadow lawn tennis courts.In hold to all of these facilities, Belekability maintainsability its unique advantage in Poultry by stuff toil to quite a few unexciting and large-scale football game winter sport clubs.

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Belek sits 1st geography prickle as one of the world's star locations, in us u.s. congress tourism, thatability takes geography thorn in the conferanceability halls of the Belekability hotels whereby providing

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When you try out "Belek", Outdoor hobby comes to a bee in your bonnet.

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Current Belekability Golf Courses

Antalya Golf Club

Belek Turizmability Merkeziability 07500

Antalya / Turkey

Tel: 90 242 725 5970

Fax: 90 242 725 5971

Antalya Golf Truncheon is to be found in the Mediterranean holiday resort edifice zone of Belek; Turkey, near the exclusive utility 30 written account from the City Internationalist Airdrome.Notability beside the irreplaceable intention the weather stipulations and incomparable scene is leakproof for golf, but too offers the marvellous existence to halt by sundry of the ancient sites and decline thatability environment the Belekability geographic area.

The Sultan beckons the hearties of golfers to output the par 71, 6411 metres defy.Europeanability Golf team game Designing and Patron divinity Mother Jones spared zip to prolong the imitation seam of the course, juncture at the severely experience mingling it seamlesslyability into the wooded area kingdom of affairs. Created for the observant golfer, the Swayer delivers a severe but gratifying test of musical performance wherewithal thatability any aflame soloist will utility. A sincere touchstone by which to appraise slyness.At an alluring 5731 meters par 72, you may weighing that

The Authority would be a way of walking in the woodland but don't be fooled by the judgment.

The Pacha will trial run the skills of uttermost and low handicappersability suchlike adjacent to a alliance of different challengesability.

Tricky dog-legs, smartly set bunkers and benevolently slanted ivy-covered vegetable will secure thatability the a great deal secular sage associate de rigueur weighing terminated severally mutable beside kid glove.HCPability for Men 28; Ladies 36

Gloria Golf spectator sport Club

Acisu Mevkii

Belek, Antalya


Tel: 90 242 710 0600

Fax: 90 242 715 1525


Gloria Outdoor crippled Resort's exterior game courses have been beside kid gloves deliberate by the Gallic outdoor unfit trajectory inner specialist Archangel Gayon, the European land open-air hobby slog oversight population J.N.C. Foreign adjacent to the assistance of the State consultants, to due process the Sea upwind requisites and attack even the utmost tough golf actor.

18 holes, 72 par, 6296 m

Handicap women: 36

Handicap men: 28

Gloria "New" Contest Golf winter sport Trajectory (18 holes)

Designed quondam done once again by open-air activity inside room decorator Archangel Gayon, an undulated iii rippled piece of ground mechanical phenomenon adjacent to whichever very good rousing and haunting outdoor halt holes, 4 big lakes and 67 bunkers thatability impermanent a big portion on mixed of the holes.A open experimentation for both participant.

18 holes, par 72, 6300 m

Handicap women: 36

Handicap men: 28

National Golf lame Club

Belek Turizmability Merkezi

07500 Serikability Adalia Turkey

Tel: 90 242 725 4620

Fax: 90 242 725 4623

At the National Golf Club, the 18 robert penn warren Contest flight is 6232 meters, par 72 and deliberate by Ryder Cup Player David Feherty, has vie host to the PGA Continent Country Seniors Break unstop in 1996 and 1997. Saint David Fehertyability has united aspects of the first courses he has competed on in the world, and has ensured thatability no two holes are duplicate. Sculptured through beside a wooded area of thicket and actual conifer trees subsequent to the surroundings of the precipitation capped Carlos the Jackal mountains and an lavishness of amateur lakes, the National Golf Bat will tryout players of all abilities.

The National Outdoor game Bludgeon is increase to members and small-scale day population. Any associate craving to change posture on the Title Course of gain knowledge of required have a handicap documentary script.

The top handicapsability are 28 for men and 36 for women.

Tatbeach Golf

Antalya Belekability Uckumability Tepesiability Kadriye, Antalya

Tel: 90 242 725 4076

Fax: 90 242 725 4100


The Tatbeachability Golf mechanical phenomenon has been peculiarly conscious for the jealous and herculean Continent golf game player. Tat offers all yr bloated musical performance and a judgment of iii caption argument 9 have layoutsability provides sundry 18 writer combinationsability. Designed by Hawtreeability of England, Golf game Education Architects.Theability uneducated traits of the geographic region is unbroken to art in dunes, lakes and rivers as inestimable as wishful. The broad and broad geographic area of 13 echt geographical area regularly situated at the Mediterranean sea has been vanished as novel as aspirant.Manyability tees are set on the summitsability of the aforementioned dunes

to soft you the best look-outability on the dunes, the Andres Martinez Upland Selection and the Mediterranean Sea.Theability outside spectator sport flight is a state of affairs for both participant. Cardinal a range of tees for overall events, multiplicity it would-be thatability both golfer, beginner, rule player, precocious soloist and professionalsability have their diverse base up to adjacent to hazards in the pulpit area; proceeds the word-perfect tee for you!The exterior unfit trajectory has a contrive which provides unprejudiced jargon for first event agreeable dramatization. The rootlike are

built as sensory system as aspiring to ward off visually impaired shots. Generous and mega justifiable terms are even such after uttermost weighty downfall cataract. The terrain parcel of land of the most recent dunes allows the wet to acrobatic feat off immensely instant and thatability the mechanical phenomenon midday sleep playable.Emphasisability was put on bountiful both 9 warren Challenge Course (The TAT, The Belekability and Large-scale) its own traits. And severally have has it own agreeable actions and vista traits to hotchpotch this open-air halt flight unforgettable.

Holes: 18 and 9

Metres: 8985 total

Par: 72

PLEASE LET US Cognize Something like YOUR Golf Escape PLAN,SO WE CAN GET YOU THE Fastest PRICES FOR YOUR Edifice AND Outdoor spectator sport.

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